Twitter: SRF pulls the plug on the "Glanz & Gloria" account

SRF's top management is closing various Twitter accounts. Those affected have little understanding for this.


The Twitter account of the people magazine "Glanz & Gloria", followed by around 6000 people, has disappeared. This has come to the attention of Switzerland on Sunday. The directive apparently came from the very top of the executive suite. SRF wants to focus on fewer presences in the future and use the available resources in a more targeted manner, Martin Oswald, Head of Content SRF Online, explained the new directive when asked by the newspaper. At the same time, three new accounts (SRF Sport, SRF Meteo, SRF bi de Lüt) were opened on Instagram to reach young people.

As the article states, the closure of the Twitter account is anything but well received by the "Glanz & Gloria" team. The measure is perceived as unfair - especially because the team has been waiting a long time for approval of its own Instagram account.

But it's not just "Glanz&Gloria" that is affected by the measures. The popular Twitter channel SRF-Konsum, which combines the shows "Kassensturz" and "Espresso," will also be discontinued, according to Schweiz am Sonntag. (hae/SaS)


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