Managing Director Judith Bellaiche leaves Swico

Judith Bellaiche is leaving the industry association Swico. The association has set up a search committee to find a successor for the departing managing director.

Judith Bellaiche, the former GLP National Councillor, is stepping down from her position as Swico Managing Director. (Image: Thomas Entzeroth)

Judith Bellaiche, Managing Director of the digital association Swico, has announced that she is taking a new direction after five years in office. Bellaiche is leaving the association at her own request and with a sense of gratitude for the successes achieved, according to a press release. The Swico board intends to set up a search committee to find a successor.

Over the past five years under Bellaiche's leadership, Swico has made significant progress, the association's board of directors reports. Her dual role as a National Councillor has enabled her to place digital issues in the political and public arena and represent the interests of the industry in the best possible way.

Under Bellaiche's leadership, the association was able to avert the impending nationalization of the recycling system, for example. With the recent addition of Simon Reusch to the Executive Board, Swico's management team now has a broader base.

The Swico Board, represented by President Adrian Müller, has noted Bellaiche's decision with regret. Swico is in a good position both in terms of personnel and finances. According to the board, the future of the association also looks promising.

The search for a suitable successor to Judith Bellaiche is underway, and the association is confident of finding someone who will lead Swico into a successful future, the statement continues. (Marc Landis/jor)

This article first appeared in Netzwoche.

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