It's the women, stupid: Regula Bührer Fecker invites to the women's webinar

Am 8. März ist Weltfrauentag: Noch kaum eine Schweizer Firma traut sich, in der Frauenfrage aktiv Stellung zu beziehen. Dabei wird das Thema immer wichtiger. Anlässlich des Weltfrauentags zeigt die Strategin Regula Bührer Fecker in einem Webinar praktische Fragen und Wege sowie die wichtigsten Dos & Dont's auf, wie Unternehmen in der Frauenfrage kommunikativ Stellung beziehen können.

As part of International Women's Day, Regula Bührer Fecker speaks in a webinar about the issue of women in companies.

More than 50 percent of the Swiss population are women. In 2019, 53.6 percent of university entrants were female. Yet only 23 percent of board members are women. On the executive boards of the hundred largest companies in Switzerland, the proportion of women has risen to just 10 percent, according to the Schilling Report 2020. There is a lot of pressure to change. And companies and organizations will not be able to escape this for much longer - it is better that they take the bull by the horns.

As a company, you have to take a stand on the issue of women and equality. Firstly, in order to attract female talent as a potential employer and to be able to retain, promote and develop them. Secondly, in order to be able to appeal to and reach women as consumers by adopting a consciously women-friendly stance. This can be important because women make up to 80 percent of the purchasing decisions in a household. And thirdly, because the topic is simply relevant and linked to a great deal of euphoria. If an organization had access to this euphoria, could build on it, trigger hope, pride and identification in the female half of the population and link it to its own company, its own brand. That would be more than "just" increased image values, but also share of voice and share of wallet.

But now comes the big but: Hardly any company or organization in Switzerland dares to take an active stance on the issue of women and to communicate it. This is one of the most unused opportunities for differentiation of our time. Where or when else does that happen, with such a "trending topic"?

The strategist Regula Bührer Fecker shows in this "Grips & Chips" event of 8 March participants practical questions and ways as well as the most important dos & don'ts on how their company can take a stand in the gender equality debate and on women's issues without putting its foot in its mouth. The moderator will be Jessica Zuber, Consultant at Farner.

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