China bans anonymous publications on the Internet

The Chinese government has banned anonymous postings on the internet. The cyberspace authority in Beijing announced that operators of discussion forums and social networks will in future have to "verify the real identity" of users before they are allowed to publish their posts.


In future, platform operators will also have to delete all illegal publications on their services and inform the authorities. The new guidelines are due to come into force on October 1.

The new regulation means that in future, users who want to publish articles on the Internet will first have to identify themselves in China - for example by scanning an ID card.

Strict censorship regulations are already in place in China: Politically undesirable websites and publications critical of the government are blocked. Internet laws have been tightened further in recent months. Observers believe that this is linked to the upcoming Communist Party Congress in the fall. (SDA)

Picture: Pixabay/Pexels

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