Apple and Facebook expand in Zurich

Both the tech company Apple and the social media giant Facebook are strengthening their presence in Switzerland. This is the result of research by the Handelszeitung.


In the western part of the city of Zurich, Apple has discreetly moved into an entire floor of an office complex. Two teams are researching top-secret projects there. Now Apple is looking for software developers in job advertisements. Experts are also being poached from the competition. The job advertisements show that the iPhone manufacturer wants to increase its competence in the field of computer vision in Zurich. This booming field is about computers and devices being able to perceive their environment and orient themselves in it.

Facebook is also looking for computer vision experts in Zurich. Since last fall, the Internet company has been based in Zurich's Bahnhofstrasse with around twenty people. Now the research unit is about to move. New locations are currently being examined, according to sources close to the company.

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