Shortlist: The photos of "Presentation of MA Leader 2009".

What constitutes a leader in detail was defined by the WEMF on Tuesday at the presentation of the MA Leaders 2009 at Technopark. According to WEMF Managing Director Marco Bernasconi, the studies collected provided a valuable basis for marketing and communication strategies.

Leaders are cleaners
They are role models and encouragers at the same time. They show others the way and know how to inspire their fellow human beings in any endeavor. We are talking about the leaders and top leaders of our society. What makes them so special, however, is the fact that leaders are modest, possess decency and are distinguished by their virtue.
A description that has long since ceased to apply to some recently disgraced leaders.
Leaders earn a lot
What constitutes such a leader in detail was defined by the WEMF on Tuesday at the presentation of the MA Leaders 2009 at Technopark. According to WEMF's managing director, the studies conducted formed Marco Bernasconi a valuable basis for marketing and communication strategies.
In terms of figures, those who have an annual gross income of 100,000 francs, among other things, can call themselves leaders. To be a top leader, you have to earn at least 140,000 Swiss francs a year. This means that 233,000 of the respondents are leaders and 80,000 are top leaders.
Leaders indulge in an upscale lifestyle
To find this out, WEMF conducted surveys in the personal as well as the professional environment. For example, it asked the groups about their position and examined the areas of business travel and continuing education. Outside the professional environment, the respondents had to provide information on financial investments made or on their private household.
In a third section, WEMF asked the leaders how and to what extent they used the various media, which also include Internet pages. For example, how long the reading time of a particular medium was or how strong their reader loyalty was.
Leaders read mainly print titles
The research showed that while online sites were important for reinforcing print titles, leaders still consumed more content from print titles. In addition, the simultaneous use of print and online would not be detrimental to print titles.
A leader preaches vitamin C
True to the motto: first the work, then the pleasure, the information bombardment was followed by a literal sporting surprise. A short time later, the Ralph Krueger the stage. He is actually a coach for the Swiss national ice hockey team, but he could just as easily earn his living as a professional speaker. The acclaimed coach and die-hard field hockey fan explained to the audience what a leader has to be like in his eyes. Basically, it was much less a speech than a sermon of motivation and joie de vivre, which infused the auditorium with more energy than a load of fruit and vegetables.
The man with the handsome build and the powerful voice said nonchalantly: "Being there is not everything at all, if you don't win once in a while! Success is by no means measured by material things such as medals, money or popularity, which are merely secondary matters. True success is particularly evident during difficult times in life, when solutions have to be sought. "Only then are leaders born," echoed loudly through the room. If you want to be a leader, you have to wake up in the morning with the idea of giving your all every day - regardless of the situation - and pushing yourself to the limits.

(Text: Adriana Zilic, Photos: Elisabeth Real)

Matthias Glunk, CS, Ralph Krueger, guest speaker, Marco Bernasconi, WEMF Managing Director, and Verena Bosshard, VB Werbung (from left).

Dani Sigel, Natalie Schädler, both Liechtensteiner Volksblatt, and Christian Gartmann, VR WEMF (from left).

Roberto Blank,, Jörg Kuhn, Publicitas, Cumi Karagülle, Automobil Revue, Giselle Vaugne, Ford Motor, and Reto Mürner, TCS (from left).

Carmela Wittmer, WEMF, with Walter Merz, BSW Leading Swiss Agencies.

Ute Grossenbacher-Radicke, Medianovis, and Robert Letsch, m&m Media Agentur.

Monica Zihis, Axel Springer Schweiz Marketing Services, and Ueli Custer, IGEM.

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