Corrigendum to Advertising Week No. 40/07

In the article "Nullrunde? - Oh where!" in WW issue 40/07, the editors made a mistake regarding the advertising rate of Sonntagsblick.

 In the article "Nullrunde? - Oh where!" in WW issue 40/07, the editors made a mistake: In the table on advertising rates for 2008, Sonntagsblick's new rate for 1/1 (bw and vf) was stated as CHF 28,868, 13.4 percent more than in 2007. This is why Sonntagsblick was then described as "brazen" in the text. But the figures are wrong. The new rate is a whole 2,000 francs lower at 26,868 francs, which corresponds to an increase of 5.5 percent. This means that Sonntagsblick still has the lowest thousand-contact price for 1/1 vf. among the Sunday publications. We apologize for the error and the inference. 

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