The first edition of #Women's Work was sold out within two months

"#Frauenarbeit", the guide for young women, is a success. The second edition of the non-fiction book by advertising strategist Regula Bührer-Fecker is now in its second printing.


Just two months ago, advertising expert Regula Bührer-Fecker published her first book launched on the market. #Frauenarbeit - published by NZZ Libro - is a career guide for young women on the threshold between university and professional life.

The first edition of the non-fiction book will soon be sold out, which is why the second is already in print. Regula Bührer-Fecker comments: "I am delighted that the book has been so well received. However, it is just as important to me that many young women have taken advantage of the free services offered by our 1TP5 Women's Work Foundation and are now being actively supported by our coaches in career matters until the end of 2018. It's a real pleasure to see how committed everyone is!" To Women's young women can apply for coaching again at the end of 2018.

Interview with Regula Bührer-Fecker

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